Apr 12, 2024

Flagsmith: Unlocking Growth through Quira Quest

Quest Office

Quest Office

3 min read

⛳ Flagsmith is a feature flag management and remote configuration tool that lets developers manage features across web, mobile and server-side applications. It provides an all-in-one tool for developing, implementing, and managing your feature flags.

All quotes below are provided by Anna Redbond, Head of Marketing at Flagsmith

What brought Flagsmith to Quine?

Flagsmith was looking to boost their visibility in the open source ecosystem - bring developers into their product’s orbit and boost their metrics on GitHub.

Their Head of Marketing noticed the results of Quine’s collaboration with Taipy and reached out to our Lead Devrel @Baptiste to understand if Quine could similarly work with Flagsmith.

“The validation from Taipy was very strong. It was an easy decision to partner up with Quine and run our own Creator Quest”

What did the Quest look like?

Creator quests are coding challenges that intend to reward software developers for their creativity and ideas. In creator quests Quine prompts our 45k-strong open-source community with a topic or a challenge. Their goal is to create a new repository that builds against that prompt or topic and submit it to Quine to gather community feedback. In doing so, they discover an interesting new open source project and become stargazers or contributors.

In working with Open source organisations, Quine aligns the Quest thematic in a way that prompts our community to build a project utilising packages of the partner organisation. We then market the Quest to developers in our community who we think will be particularly interested in the Quest’s thematic.

What was the impact of the Quest?

Over 4,000 developers in Quine’s community were introduced to Flagsmith as a direct result of the Quest. The collaboration yielded over 50 submissions. Additionally, the relevance to the community led to Flagsmith receiving over 500 GitHub stars from members of the Quine community who were matched to the Quest based on their skill sets and interests.

During the Quest, Flagsmith trended on GitHub for Python. ✨

“We loved interacting with the developers in the discord session. The turnout was huge (100+) and the devs were super engaged. The submissions to the Quest and their interest on GitHub was amazing to see - so much so that we trended on GitHub, which was an amazing outcome to us!”

Looking forward:

The collaboration between Flagsmith and Quine was a resounding success - Flagsmith’s stargazer count increased by nearly 20% during the collaboration with Quine.

Quine and Flagsmith are already brainstorming on a future collaboration. 🤝

*“The work the Quine team carried out was great. Communication was excellent and well, it just works - and very smoothly!

"We’re excited to partner together in the future, and we’ve already referred Quine to two partner orgs in the week since the Quest ended! For anyone thinking about boosting their open-source game, I’d say give Quine a shot. They've been a great partner for us.”*

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